Immunity : Part 2


Health, Immunity

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The fear-monger lobby in healthcare is very powerful. They are continuously injecting fear viruses in common public psyche. But in reality, all pathogens are present somewhere in our body, dormant. If they are harmful, they would cause harm anytime! But they wait for triggering events. Unless those events trigger, they remain dormant. Stress (cellular, mental) is one such condition.

Researchers recently found the signature of many pathogens (disease-causing microbes) living peacefully in the nasal passage of healthy people. One, Staphylococcus aureus, is notorious. It can cause boils, sinusitis, food poisoning, and bloodstream infections. But it can also have a completely benign presence in your nose, just minding its own business. [1] [2]

Surprised right? Even a healthy looking person has all pathogens.

What is the catch? Then why do some get sick and not all?

It is our environment! Internal and external. Internal environment = Ability to keep body in a such state that pathogens don’t get breeding ground. External environment = Ability to resist food/water/thoughts/visual perception etc which can alter internal environment for breeding of pathogens.

Imagine society as our body. Pathogens as criminal minds. If you do not provide breeding ground (soft porn Bollywood for example) to pathogens, their mind will never act. We can happily live with them as a part of society.

It is too late to apply medicines(strict laws) when pathogens outnumbers. Radical change in environment is needed.

[1] Pathogenic microbiological flora recovered from ear, nose and throat specimens in a regional hospital in Kosovo.

Staphylococcus spp, Pseudomonas, Escherichia and Streptococcus spp. are leading pathogens from ear, nose and throat specimens, so further investigation on appropriate antibiotics use and bacterial resistance will be welcome.

[2] Staph can lurk deep within nose, study finds

Scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine have revealed that formerly overlooked sites deep inside the nose may be reservoirs for Staphylococcus aureus, a major bacterial cause of disease.

“Not everyone who carries S. aureus gets sick,” Relman said. “When they’re out walking the streets and otherwise healthy, attempts to rid them of their S. aureus are not necessary, and even sometimes futile. But once a carrier enters a hospital with an underlying illness or a weakened immune system or a high likelihood of undergoing skin-penetrating procedures, S. aureus carriage is a major liability.”

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