Human Migration and microbial Churning


GUT, Microbes


We adopt the environment but it takes time. Toll of several generations. In past, migrations were always due to natural calamities and abrupt changes in environment. Now, migrations are forced. As a world, we really don’t wish to calculate toll of forced migrations due to denial of sustainable local economical opportunities. We are in centralisation mode. Decentralisation is an alien concept for our generation. The fall starts by changing pattern of GUT microbes. Of course, things will improve after 3-4 generations but be ready for sacrifice. Or maintain health in very high state by taking care of food, sleep and brahmcharya. Not only outer environment, mental stress of migration also alter GUT microbes.

Watch this video first and then read the research.

Do note: There are certain humans trained for always on the road. They travel with livestock. They get affected if they stabilise! Same applies to migratory birds! 🙂


Younger immigrants at higher risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

The younger a person is when they immigrate to Canada, the higher their risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and its major subtypes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, according to a study by researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES) and the University of Ottawa. Canada has one of the highest rates in the world of IBD and while immigrants to Canada have lower rates of IBD compared to Canadian-born residents, that risk goes up in immigrants who are younger at arrival to Canada. In addition, Canadian-born children of immigrants from some regions have a higher risk of developing IBD.

While their parents were at lower risk of developing IBD, once they arrive the children of immigrants from the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia had the same incidence of IBD compared with the children of non-immigrants. In fact, there is a 14 per cent increased risk per younger decade of life at immigration. However, the children of immigrants from East Asia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean had lower incidence of IBD compared with the children of non-immigrants.

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