दैनिक सुभाषित पञ्चाङ्ग (माघ/फाल्गुन कृष्ण पक्ष : प्रतिपदा)

Nisarg Joshi

पञ्चांग, सुभाषित


सनातन संस्कृति lives forever due to two principles established in her subjects.

  1. Learning and 2. Teaching

One should always  indulge in learning and teaching , this is the asset our elders have passed on to us from the time infinite. We are blessed with being born in a country like भारत which has the precious heritage and the great people who speak the language of gods.

शक सम्वत:
१९३९ हेमलम्बी
माघ – अमांत
विक्रम सम्वत:
२०७४ साधारण
फाल्गुन – पूर्णिमांत
गुजराती सम्वत:
कृष्ण पक्ष
प्रतिपदा – १५:४३ तक

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